Atland Investments is a special situations investment company acquiring distressed real estate and secured NPLs, as well as is providing alternative financing solutions. For over a decade, the company has built and maintained longstanding relationships with international financial institutions requiring reputable and sustainable solutions to their problem loans and distressed assets.
Atland has successfully partnered with Apollo Global Management in acquiring portfolios of secured NPLs and distressed real estate assets with EUR 150 million face value in Bulgaria. The company is part of the AG Capital and leverages the group’s 15-year track record in NPLs and distressed assets acquisition and management.
Atland aims to be the go-to institution for NPL and distressed real estate sales and alternative financing solutions backed by real estate for companies requiring refinancing or expansion capital.
Based on its deep industry experience the management team has developed processes for analysis, pricing and management of real estate assets and NPLs with flexibility and speed in decision-making.
Atland Investments is a member of The Receivables Management Association which establishes and spreads good practices in the debt collection industry in Bulgaria.
The company is also engaged with the mission and goals of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria.